Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 08

Is it too late for Xmas pics?? Sorry I haven't updated in months. I guess I got caught up in all the holiday spirit. We had great fun this year playing Santa. Reese got way too much, as I am sure all the little one's out there did.
I don't know where this year has gone...it seems like yesterday I was holding Reese in my arms at the hospital and now she is six weeks away from her first Birthday. I guess that is how it is going to be for now on. We must cherish all these special times.

Here are some of my favorite xmas pics as well as some family pics that Tracy took for us this winter.

By the way...we found out we were having a boy!! We haven't set a name yet. The time is getting close. Three more months!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Okay, I'm finally updating the blog. This weekend Reese and I are just hangin low. We got some shopping in today. Had to get some warmer clothes for Reese, it was 82 degrees today. Kinda of hard to shop for winter clothes when it is that warm. Eric is playing in the Club Champion golf tournament this weekend. So far he is tied for 1st!

We had a very eventful last weekend. Eric's Grandmother and Uncle were visiting from Michigan. We had a fun trip to the pumpkin patch and got some great pics. Sunday Reese went to her first Texans game (they won finally!). Well she tailgated anyway. We had a blast. Great friends and great food. I guess I was too busy chasing after her because I didn't get any pics.

I love bath time. It's hard not to take a picture. This one is cute...minus the peas floating in the tub.

I have my 16 week appointment on Monday so I may update again if something exciting happens!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

7 Months and Crawling

Today our baby Reese is 7 months old. My, how time flies!! She is still a great little sleeper and eater, even when she cut her first two teeth. Now that she is getting around, we need to watch her every move...everything goes in her mouth! She is very interested Astro and moves quickly to get to him. At our last check-up, the doctor told us she was "long and lean". Eric was wondering if she was looking at the same kid? I guess being 90% in height and weigh evens out when you are a baby. She has the cutest personality and the friendliness disposition...I think we'll keep her!

As for the one on the way...we had our first doctors appointment this past week. The baby is measuring "1" day ahead. Our official due date is April 11th (they'll be fourteen months apart). We heard the heart beat, a strong 171 (boy or girl?) and everything looks good so far. We are all excited for the addition to our family!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

6 Months

This past month has flown by for us. We really haven't been doing much, but time really flies with her. Every meal is still an experience with Reese. It's going really well and she loves all the food, the thing is, she just can't keep those little fingers out of her mouth. Eric has to stand there and hold her hands or they are in her mouth after every bite!

She is sitting up on her own now. She did it for the first time in the bath the other night. Out of all places the bathtub. The most slippery surface of tall.

We love spending time outside. (Usually on the weekends, when I'm not working.) She has already had a golf day for daddy and she loves laying out by the pool. If she is not outside, she is rolling all over the floor or sitting there glued to the TV. (See the middle picture!) This last picture I thought looked a lot like Presley so I included it in.

My parents are coming for a visit in August, so we are super excited to see them and show them all Reese's new tricks!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

4 1/2 Months

There has been a lot going on in the past month here at the Depoy's. May started out with a visit from my brother and sister-in-law. They plan on moving here next winter, so it was kind of a house hunting visit. Reese was excited to meet another Aunt and Uncle though.

Next I returned to work. It has been great, but it has cut into Mommy and baby time. It seems like I get home from work and we start our bedtime routine. Eric calls it the Killer B's, bath, bottle, book and bed!

We also had the plaque here at the house. I was sick with an upper respiratory infection for about 2 weeks, Reese got an ear infection, Eric got a killer stomach flu and then I got it from him. It was about the worst weekend I have ever gone through. We are all healthy again and back to our normal sleep patterns!

Next, Eric and I took a long get-a-way weekend to New Orleans while C.C. and Papa babysat Reese. We had a great time sipping on Hand Grenades and Hurricanes, but we were so excited to get back to our little girl.

It's hard to be away because she is doing something new everyday. She weighted in at a little over 16lbs at her last appointment. She is a little chunk!! We started solid foods this week, rice cereal, and she has been doing great so far. She can now hold onto her bottle, she is all over her crib at night and she has now found her piggy's. It is so cute when she is lying on her back and grabbing her toes!!

Happy Father's Day to all you Daddy's out there. Eric spent his morning play golf with his dad and brother. We then met him for lunch at the country club. We got in a little pool time and now it will be watching Tiger finish up in the U.S. Open. His perfect first father's day!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three Months!!

Our little girl is three months old! It really does go by fast, but she does something new everyday to entertain us. I haven't updated the blog in awhile, so first here are her most recent doctor appointment stats; Height 23 3/4 in., 75th %, Weight 14 lbs., 95th %, (she has turned into our little chunky monkey) and Head 17 in., 75th %. She did really well with her first set of shots...just slept a lot when we got home.

Well, in the past few weeks she missed Daddy when he went on a week long golf trip. Then she took her first plane ride out to Maryland to see Lovie and Grandad. She was great on the plane...slept the whole time both ways! Our trip to Maryland was great fun. My parents loved her and she got to meet the rest of her cousins.

Some of the new "tricks" she has been doing include, drooling, gurgling, she has found her tongue and it is now out all the time! She smiles and laughs a lot. Her Daddy can really get her going. And she rolled over for the first time yesterday at Jody's Baby Shower. We can't stop watching her. First off she is so darn cute and second, we are afraid we are going to miss something!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Our little baby girl will be 8 weeks old this Thursday. She has brought such joy to our lives! I can't imagine it any other way. She got to meet her new cousin Paisley during spring break. My sister and her husband came to visit with Peyton and Paisley for Easter. Paisley and Reese are three weeks apart. We had a great time playing outside, visiting the aquarium and dying Easter eggs. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to see them again.

We can't wait for Reese's next doctors appointment in a couple weeks. We are anxious to find out her weight and height. She seems to be growing quickly on us. She is so alert and such a smiley baby. We hope you enjoy some new pics!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby Reese is 5 weeks now. Here is a picture at 3 weeks I am finally posting. We still think she is perfect, feeding great and only waking up once at night. We can't stop looking at her and she seems to change daily. She attended her first party yesterday, The Haley's Annual Crawfish Fest. Check out the pics below. She was awesome and got to see all her friends. Mommy and Daddy had an awesome time too!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Reese Mckae Depoy- February 7, 2008

Our sweetheart is here! Reese Mckae, born February 7, 2008, at 3:28 p.m., 8lbs. & 12 oz. We think she is perfect! She and her Daddy are doing great. I had her by c-section, so I am still recovering. She has made us both very happy!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's Time!!

At our 39 1/2 week appointment today, I have all the signs of being ready. 2 cm dilated, 90% effaced and the baby is still down in position. Because my actual due date is Saturday, February 9th, he gave us the choice of elective induction...and we took it. They only schedule them on Mondays and Thursdays, we got lucky and got in first think tomorrow morning. The way they work is you call the hospital at 5 am and they let you know if they have a time for you (between 5 am and 7 am). If there are others with emergency or priority inductions, you are passed over for the day. So for now, tenatively she will be here tomorrow! Unless of course she comes overnight. Wish us luck and good health. We are very excited for her arrival!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

38 1/2 Weeks...where is she?

Not much of a change at this doctors appointment. Baby is in pelvic position, still dilated 1 cm, but I am now 90% effaced. Once again, Dr. Crowder says any day now and does not expect to see us at our next appointment. We have heard that before. I have been having more frequent contractions, but not strong enough to go to the hospital yet. I am getting use to them by now. Oh how I want this baby to come...I am so uncomfortable, but still so excited!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

37 1/2 Weeks

Well she is still not here...but my contractions are getting stronger and more painful. At our appointment today, I am still just 1 cm dilated, but I am now 80% effaced. Dr. Crowder still says any day now. We are ready and very anxious for her arrival!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Reese Update

Well, I wasn't going to do a belly shot, but this was my last chance so I said what the heck (with Eric's insistence).

Dr. Crowder says she is ready to come. At my 36 1/2 week appointment yesterday, she was in position and I am 1 cm dilated. He said that with all the contractions I have been having, that it wouldn't be long now. We sure are ready! Eric is so sweet calling and checking on me throughout the day. He is going to be the best Dad!

My sister Deb had her baby girl early this morning. Paisley Chase Vance, 7lbs, 12oz. We thought that her and I may share a birthday, but she took a long time to come and arrived on the 17th. I can't wait to meet her!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Baby Reese 35 Week Update

Well after the doctors visit today we don't seem any closer to her arrival. I was sure that I was going to find myself dilated because of all the contractions I have been having. But no, no dilation and the baby is still high. Of course Dr. Crowder was happy because he would like us to go to 37 weeks. He wants to see us weekly now. Our next appointment is January 16th though (my birthday!!), due to him being out of the office for a few days. If I am not any closer next appointment I think I will lose my mind (or Eric will be very sick of me)!