Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three Months!!

Our little girl is three months old! It really does go by fast, but she does something new everyday to entertain us. I haven't updated the blog in awhile, so first here are her most recent doctor appointment stats; Height 23 3/4 in., 75th %, Weight 14 lbs., 95th %, (she has turned into our little chunky monkey) and Head 17 in., 75th %. She did really well with her first set of shots...just slept a lot when we got home.

Well, in the past few weeks she missed Daddy when he went on a week long golf trip. Then she took her first plane ride out to Maryland to see Lovie and Grandad. She was great on the plane...slept the whole time both ways! Our trip to Maryland was great fun. My parents loved her and she got to meet the rest of her cousins.

Some of the new "tricks" she has been doing include, drooling, gurgling, she has found her tongue and it is now out all the time! She smiles and laughs a lot. Her Daddy can really get her going. And she rolled over for the first time yesterday at Jody's Baby Shower. We can't stop watching her. First off she is so darn cute and second, we are afraid we are going to miss something!