Wednesday, January 30, 2008

38 1/2 Weeks...where is she?

Not much of a change at this doctors appointment. Baby is in pelvic position, still dilated 1 cm, but I am now 90% effaced. Once again, Dr. Crowder says any day now and does not expect to see us at our next appointment. We have heard that before. I have been having more frequent contractions, but not strong enough to go to the hospital yet. I am getting use to them by now. Oh how I want this baby to come...I am so uncomfortable, but still so excited!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

37 1/2 Weeks

Well she is still not here...but my contractions are getting stronger and more painful. At our appointment today, I am still just 1 cm dilated, but I am now 80% effaced. Dr. Crowder still says any day now. We are ready and very anxious for her arrival!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Reese Update

Well, I wasn't going to do a belly shot, but this was my last chance so I said what the heck (with Eric's insistence).

Dr. Crowder says she is ready to come. At my 36 1/2 week appointment yesterday, she was in position and I am 1 cm dilated. He said that with all the contractions I have been having, that it wouldn't be long now. We sure are ready! Eric is so sweet calling and checking on me throughout the day. He is going to be the best Dad!

My sister Deb had her baby girl early this morning. Paisley Chase Vance, 7lbs, 12oz. We thought that her and I may share a birthday, but she took a long time to come and arrived on the 17th. I can't wait to meet her!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Baby Reese 35 Week Update

Well after the doctors visit today we don't seem any closer to her arrival. I was sure that I was going to find myself dilated because of all the contractions I have been having. But no, no dilation and the baby is still high. Of course Dr. Crowder was happy because he would like us to go to 37 weeks. He wants to see us weekly now. Our next appointment is January 16th though (my birthday!!), due to him being out of the office for a few days. If I am not any closer next appointment I think I will lose my mind (or Eric will be very sick of me)!