Sunday, September 7, 2008

7 Months and Crawling

Today our baby Reese is 7 months old. My, how time flies!! She is still a great little sleeper and eater, even when she cut her first two teeth. Now that she is getting around, we need to watch her every move...everything goes in her mouth! She is very interested Astro and moves quickly to get to him. At our last check-up, the doctor told us she was "long and lean". Eric was wondering if she was looking at the same kid? I guess being 90% in height and weigh evens out when you are a baby. She has the cutest personality and the friendliness disposition...I think we'll keep her!

As for the one on the way...we had our first doctors appointment this past week. The baby is measuring "1" day ahead. Our official due date is April 11th (they'll be fourteen months apart). We heard the heart beat, a strong 171 (boy or girl?) and everything looks good so far. We are all excited for the addition to our family!